About the Candles

It’s about more than candles

When I became reiki trained, I wanted to figure out more ways to get reiki in the hands of people I cared about across the country. When I first received my training, I tried to get my friends across the country to let me practice on them, but with hectic schedules, more often than not, we would often have to reschedule. And I get it. I’m not throwing shade.

As someone, who isn’t always good at taking time for myself, I knew it needed to be something that could easily be incorporated in their routine. Something as easy as lighting a candle before a relaxing bath. Something as easy as lighting a candle before their work day begins or ends.

It was around that time my husband asked me for a potion that would make him feel like there were “rainbows and unicorns” running around. We created the unicorn punch oil that day. A few weeks later, I tried turning it into a candle.

And that’s how the candles where born. To fill the needs of the collective. To fill the needs of the people that I care about. And to fill a need that you probably have to.

  • Street Cred

    📚 Doctorate in Education in Curriculum and Instruction with an Educational Technology Focus
    📚Masters in Library and Information Science
    📚Bachelor of Arts in English
    📚Bachelor of Arts in Women Studies
    📚 Currently pursing a Masters in Business Communications

  • Spiritual Vibe

    🌙 Reiki Master
    🌙 Taurus sun, Aquarius Moon, Virgo Rising
    🌙 1/3 Projector
    🌙 Ocean lover
    🌙 Constant learner
    🌙 Hype girl

  • Faves

    🖤 Mexican food
    🖤 Travel with my hubby
    🖤 Reading
    🖤 Rainy days
    🖤 Harry Potter + Disney
    🖤 Sharing food + laughs with friends

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