Let's cast, witches.

If you're here, chances are you have been following on my 30 days of spell casting on TikTok or Instagram. Y'all asked for a way to cast together so I've made it happen.

Here's how it works

I'll be sending out the spells that I've already done and every Monday, for the last of my 30 days of casting, I'll send out what spells I'm casting that week. All you have to do is give me your info so I can email it out for free!

Why work with Jade

When I first started on my witchcraft journey, I read everything I could get my hands on. I spent hours watching dreamy YouTube videos. But I was stuck.

I spent so much time learning that I didn't actually start practicing.

Once I started, everything clicked. My life transformed.

But I was still missing a like minded community.

I want to change that for others! I'm the girl who makes sure everyone at the party feels welcome. That everyone is heard and respected.

And that's what I bring to each community I make.

Still have questions? Send me a DM or an email and let me know what's on your mind. I'll see you there!